Beauty for Ashes

Beauty for Ashes

ThouArtExalted Ministries held their first women’s event at TAE on Talbot to celebrate Ash Wednesday. They began the Lenten season with powerful words from Isaiah to discuss Beauty for Ashes. This time included an original art project and devotional experience led by Annie Pajcic as well as coffee and light breakfast.

“This “Beauty for Ashes” retreat came at a perfect timing for me because I buried my parent’s ashes last week. What a reminder that our lives are so temporary. Thank you, Jesus, that you took our sin to the cross—ALL OF IT. You are perfect and exchanged our depravity for Your holiness. We are but dust, Daughters Under the Spirit’s Training, and this girl needs a lot of training. As we listened to God’s Word, painted crosses, grouted with broken pottery, tied our crosses with twine to symbolize His death, and used white linen to signify His resurrection and eternal life … I pray we will ALL find the freedom that Christ offers. May we rejoice that God is full of compassion and not condemnation. May we always be teachable, bendable, and sendable. Use us to reflect Your glory and Your image. Amen!” -Annie Pajcic, founder of ThouArtExalted.

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